
The firing of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has long been a red line for most Republicans in Congress who are trying to work with their president.

But it’s a red line they’d rather not act on — and now, with news that President Trump actually made moves to do it, they may be forced to.

There are two bills in Congress, both of which have some Republican support, that would protect Mueller from being fired by Trump. But neither bill has been seriously considered by leadership.

Up until this point, Republicans had given Trump the benefit of the doubt that he wouldn’t launch a constitutional crisis. From their perspective, why take action and cause a confrontation with the president (and jeopardize their agenda) if they don’t absolutely have to?

Now they may now have to.

Continue reading:  Analysis: The Mueller confrontation that Republicans were trying to avoid has just arrived

Related story:  Justice Dept recovers FBI officials’ missing text messages

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