
CHARLOTTESVILLE – Hours before a noon rally was set to begin Saturday, violent skirmishes broke out between bands of white supremacists and counterprotesters who have converged on this college town around the issue of a Confederate statue.

Men in combat gear, some wearing bicycle and motorcycle helmets and carrying clubs and sticks and makeshift shields fought each other in the downtown streets, with little apparent police interference. Both sides sprayed each other with chemical irritants and plastic bottles were hurled through the air.

A large contingent of Charlottesville and Virginia state police in riot gear were stationed on side streets and at nearby barricades but did nothing to break up the melee.

Continue reading:  Violent clashes between white nationalists and counterprotesters in Charlottesville

Further reading:  Who Are the Alt-Right Leaders Behind Virginia Rally?

11 thoughts on “Violent clashes between white nationalists and counterprotesters in Charlottesville

  1. Our Revered Leader has unleashed Hate among us. Race shows its claws yet again. While we fight among ourselves, our Masters continue to reap the fruits of our combined labor – black, white. and all the shades in between.

    How gullible and malleable is the mind of Man!

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  2. Reblogged this on United States Hypocrisy and commented:
    Three people are dead tonight because of violent white nationalist terrorists. Of course when it comes to violence by white terrorists, the police are nowhere to be found. They aren’t out there with their armored tanks and tear gas pointing their snipers at fascists. This only happens when some rich person’s property could potentially be damaged after an innocent Black life is stolen as happened in Baltimore and Ferguson two years ago. Tomorrow night vigils are being held everywhere across the country. To find one near you click here. http://act.indivisibleguide.com/event/stand-in-solidarity-with-charlottesville/search/

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