4 thoughts on “Glenn Greenwald on Brazil: Goal of Rousseff Impeachment is to Boost Neoliberals & Protect Corruption | Democracy Now!

  1. Interesting. This is not a new theory, and given just how corrupt these politicians are here, it’s certainly believable. The one ray of light here is that the Supreme Court seems to have grown some balls and appear more than just a little worried that a few ceremonial heads lopped off won’t do it. There is a huge movement (Fora Tudo) who want them all thrown into jail. Public support is firmly behind the Federal Police, and Bar associations across the country have stood up to be counted. This is good. This is what seems to be motivating the SC, and for now, they appear to be willing to go the full hog. We can only hope.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks John. I realize you normally don’t blog on political topics, but this one seems well-suited for your excellent perspective considering how close to home it is. Sorry for my prodding, but you really should write a post on this. 🙂


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