
President Donald Trump tried to make the case for his border wall Tuesday during his State of the Union address by repeating a lie about violent crime along the Texas-Mexico border.


Looking broadly at the last 30 years, the rate of violent crime reached its peak in 1993, when more than 6,500 violent crimes were recorded. Between 1993 and 2006, the number of violent crimes fell by more than 34 percent and less than 2,700 violent crimes were reported. The border fence was authorized by Bush in 2006, but construction did not start until 2008.

The fence, therefore, played no role in lowering violent crime in El Paso. In fact, violent crime in the El Paso increased by 17 percent from 2006 to 2011. Contractors began building the 57-mile fence in 2008 and finished in 2009. Even then, in 2010, El Paso’s violent crime rate was among the lowest in the country for a city of its size.

Continue reading:  A border fence did not lower crime rates in El Paso. In fact, crime went up a bit.

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5 thoughts on “A border fence did not lower crime rates in El Paso. In fact, crime went up a bit.

  1. I worked for my friend’s dad who bought and fixed up buildings to resell them when I was a teen. He put a huge fence around one of these buildings once to keep the “riff-raff,” as he called them. out. One morning, as we drove up to work, we noticed the entire fence had been stolen. He was pissed, and I pissed myself laughing.

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