
Americans worship differently according to the faiths to which they belong, but grouping people by their beliefs on a wide spectrum of topics rather than their religion affiliations offers a fresh take on what the country’s faithful have in common.

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20 thoughts on “Pew report on religious types shows what Americans of different faiths have in common

    • I just took the quiz and my score is:

      The Solidly Secular are the least religious among the seven groups. These relatively affluent, highly educated U.S. adults – mostly white and male – tend to describe themselves as neither religious nor spiritual and to reject all New Age beliefs as well as belief in the God of the Bible. In fact, many do not believe in a higher power at all. The Solidly Secular are generally liberal and Democratic in their political views.

      Liked by 2 people

        • Absolutely. In a way, my heathen integrity feels like both a burden and a badge of honor. It is also a very effective shield against religious proselytizing because the faithful instinctively know that I am immune to their spiritual pleas.

          Liked by 2 people

        • I respect other people’s religious view & beliefs, as long as they respect my lack of the same. But the hypocrisy these days makes it hard to respect sometimes. I don’t know if you’re familiar with John Pavlovitz, but he is a Christian minister, but has little tolerance for those Christians who sacrifice their values for political reasons. You might enjoy this post by him … https://johnpavlovitz.com/2018/08/28/the-moral-confusion-of-trump-christians/

          Liked by 2 people

        • I follow him on Facebook and I do like his views….if only all religious people felt as he does, we would have none of these problems here or they’d be greatly reduced and we definitely not have trump as president. That in itself says a lot about what religious fanaticism and racism can do to a country in a very negative way.

          I also follow Padre Steve who has similar views..and a good man

          Liked by 2 people

        • Yes, I follow Padre Steve also, though I don’t get over to his blog as often as I would like. I’m with you … if all religious leaders were like these two, I think we could all get along just fine and likely bigotry in all its many forms would die quickly. Sigh … if only.

          Liked by 2 people

        • That’s brilliant! Here’s an excerpt:

          They claim they love Trump because he respects the Military, yet when he proceeds to posthumously give a middle finger to war hero John McCain, they respond by defending Trump and trashing the senator.

          They’ve professed devotion to the President because they say he puts “America First”—and yet, have willingly tossed out the mountain of evidence that he is beholden to Russia and a pawn of Vladimir Putin; that he has polluted our elections and exposed our secrets.

          After having screamed incessantly for years about what goes on in people’s bedrooms and in public bathrooms—these “family values Christians” have had to ignore three marriages, serial adultery, porn star affairs, and Playmate payoffs with campaign funds.

          They’re forever claiming they support Trump because he is “pro-life,” and yet say nothing while hundreds of children remain isolated from their parents, after becoming orphans by his Administration.

          They want the Prince of Peace and the pussy-grabber President.
          They want “Love your neighbor as yourself”—and ICE raids and Muslim bans.
          They “marriage is between one man and one woman”—and an Olympic-level adulterer.
          They want America First and For God so Loved the World.
          They want Jesus’ humility and Trump’s arrogance.
          They want to store up treasures in Heaven and tons of cash right now.

          I believe their hypocrisy is multifaceted and stems from many converging factors such as: 1) the political activism of their Dominionist leadership, 2) the tribal nature of their parallel White Nationalism, and 3) their pragmatic acceptance of transactional politics.

          That last point may be crucial to understanding why conservatives have gained so much political power in America disproportional to their numbers. In a recent editorial, I critiqued the Left for lacking cooperation among it various factions. Conversely, the Right – even though just as fractious – made the conscious decision to put aside their differences in order to win elections. It’s essentially an “I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine” attitude.

          Liked by 2 people

        • That’s a very powerful condemnation. They are at war with everyone and everything around them, and it is a war of choice. They have construed an identity for themselves which is both exclusionary and reductive. One can never be Christian enough, white enough, or conservative enough. If one commits even the slightest transgression or displays any hint of independence, they are branded as disloyal. These are fundamentally the traits of a cult.


      • I like that. I sure don’t see it where I live, though. But a lot of Fla is older and it is in the South,especially out of the big cities

        Liked by 1 person

        • Here in the suburban pacific northwest, people are predominantly Christian too. There’s lots of churches and “Jesus Saves” signs. But, folks are much less fanatical about it. Many admit their faith when pressed, but you’d rarely see them in church.


  1. It would be good for this world if people would more concentrate on what they have in common instead of dividing the world into areas of religious, spiritual or secular beliefs. I am practising secular Reiki for example, the technique is interesting and relaxing although coming from a different belief than mine!


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