
Thousands of pages of newly released emails reveal how EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt closely collaborated with oil, coal and gas companies backed by the Koch brothers to roll back environmental regulations during his time as Oklahoma attorney general. The documents were released just days after Pruitt was sworn in as the new head of the EPA, the agency tasked with curtailing pollution and safeguarding public health.

Continue reading:  Days After Pruitt Becomes EPA Head, Newly Released Emails Show His Ties to Koch Bros. & Energy Firms

13 thoughts on “Days After Pruitt Becomes EPA Head, Newly Released Emails Show His Ties to Koch Bros. & Energy Firms

  1. America is a corporation, not a country, therefore it’s CEO is bound to hire his thugs from corporate henchmen. It would be a good thing here to remember that Obama did exactly the same thing… and the deconstruction of “America” proceeds apace, whether planned or not.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I generally agree, but to absurdly believe that “Obama did exactly the same thing” (with the EPA) reveals either delusional thinking on your part or a thinly veiled attempt at rhetoric to advance your anarchist agenda.


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