
The Bundy Ranch saga may be over as a conservative talking point, thanks to Cliven Bundy’s weird racist comments and even weirder and more racist attempt to defend those comments, but its memory lives on — in the form of the armed militia that rose to his aid when the Bureau of Land Management came to take his cattle.

The BLM left weeks ago, but the militia is sticking around so no one gets any funny ideas. That means Bunkerville residents now have to deal with a bunch of armed people around its roads, schools and churches. Some are understandably scared. Also, the militia have set up checkpoints on the roads, where residents have to prove they live there before being allowed to drive on. That’s just inconvenient. Bunkerville wants them out.

Continue reading:  http://news.yahoo.com/bundy-ranch-militia-wearing-welcome-000700594.html

Further reading:  UPDATE: With Hands on Gun Bundy Militia Told Us “I’m Gonna Kill You” [ACTION NEEDED]